Updated: September 22, 2022

About the Author of Fog City Secrets

How this website came to be...

I like to know who's behind the websites I visit, so here's a little something about myself and why I'm creating a guide to San Francisco.

I love to travel, especially to places a bit off the usual tourist paths. I started traveling as a young child, when my father joined the Foreign Service and we moved to India.

Garden in New Delhi, with the maliIn our garden, New Delhi

I spent most of my childhood overseas and developed a fondness for travel. I've lived in Europe, Asia and South America, and have visited lots of countries.

I think it's great to get travel tips from a local, but often one doesn't know anyone from that area to ask. I was born in Berkeley across the Bay, but after living in San Francisco for 30 years, I'm more or less a native.

I love this city, in spite of its current warts, and want to share some of the interesting things to see and do here that visitors probably wouldn't discover on their own. I like to give visitors tips that only locals know about, that will make their stay here more enjoyable. Sort of in the vein of, "what do I wish I had known before I did x". 

I write all of the articles on the site myself, based on my own experiences. None of the content is outsourced to other writers or written by AI.

Boarding the Hornblower dinner cruise

I raised a child in the city (now grown up, as you can see), so I can also let you know what might appeal to kids of different ages. Naturally, my take on the sights is just my own opinion; others I'm sure may differ!

Of course I'm partial, but I think San Francisco is one of the most beautiful and all-around fun cities I have ever experienced. It's almost impossible to run out of things to do! Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Enjoy your stay in San Francisco!


P.S. FogCitySecrets.com is the same website as Inside-Guide-to-San-Francisco-Tourism.com; the original name was just way too long!

If you are interested in how I created this website, take a look at my review of the company I used, Solo Build It!

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