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By Karen

Updated October 4, 2023.

Ocean Beach San Francisco

The western edge of the city

Ocean Beach in San Francisco is a wide expanse of sand and dunes that faces the Pacific Ocean, stretching for three miles along the entire western edge of San Francisco.

Here are some tips for enjoying your visit to Ocean Beach: things to do, how to get there, where to park and where to eat.

This is where San Franciscans come to feel the cool breezes and breathe the clean, salty air that comes in off 6,000 miles of open ocean.

Too much city? Come out to Ocean Beach and reconnect with nature; listen to the cries of the seagulls and sounds of crashing surf.

Northern end of Ocean Beach San FranciscoOcean Beach, northern end

Things To Do At Ocean Beach

  • Walk on the miles of sand
  • Or sit and contemplate the rolling ocean
  • Have a picnic
  • Enjoy a bonfire at night
  • Ride a bike along the paths
  • Ride a horse on the beach
  • Go surfing (if you're experienced, but no swimming)

Whether you come to walk in the invigorating air or just sit in the sandy dunes and think, you'll feel refreshed by the beautiful expanse of sea and sky.

Dunes at Ocean Beach San FranciscoOcean Beach, dunes at southern end

There are usually a few people fishing, and others picnicking on the beach, while kids and dogs play in the sand, and people walk and jog along the water line.

Except for a few really warm days, the beach is surprisingly uncrowded for being in an urban area.

The sand looks black in places, not because of oil spills or pollution, but due to particles of magnetite, a magnetic rock that washes up after storms. (It will cling to a magnet.)

A sandy path runs along the tops of the dunes, through the ice plant, which is perfect for strolling.

And a paved path lies just across the Great Highway, very popular with walkers and cyclists.

Ocean Beach San Francisco path through ice plantPath through the ice plant

An esplanade, built in the early 1900's, follows the seawall along the upper half of the beach, and leads up to the Cliff House.

Cliff House at Ocean Beach San FranciscoThe Cliff House

Sunny days are gorgeous, but Ocean Beach San Francisco is a also great place to walk when the fog is rolling in (which is most of May, June and July, our foggy months in the Avenues).

When the surf's up, dozens of surfers pull on their wetsuits and paddle out to wait for that perfect wave.

Ocean Beach is considered one of the better surfing beaches.

Surfers at Ocean Beach San FranciscoSurfers at Ocean Beach

What not to do: don't go in the water! This beach has very dangerous rip currents, so unless you're an experienced surfer, and know what to do if you're caught in one, don't go in. Not even a little wading.

People drown here every year. See tips on rip currents for more info. It's way too cold, anyway! Ocean Beach is just not a swimming beach.

Bonfires are allowed in the fire pits provided, between Stairwells #15 and 16, and #21 through #28. (See list of stairwell locations further down)

Alcohol and overnight camping are not allowed at Ocean Beach.

For the latest on rules and regulations regarding use of Ocean Beach San Francisco, check the website of the National Park Service.

Why Is Ocean Beach So Dangerous?

Of all the beaches in San Francisco, Ocean Beach is the most dangerous.

This beach has some monster rip currents because of its size and location, and the huge quantity of sand on the continental shelf here.

Storms and currents mold the sand into the sand bars and channels that create the rip currents.

Added to this problem is the flow of water coming into the ocean from the Sacramento River.

The river flows into San Francisco Bay and out the Golden Gate. After the river empties into the ocean, the water flows north and south along the coast.

A lot of it flows south past Ocean Beach, creating a strong current parallel to the beach just past the breakers.

If you get caught in a rip current. Hopefully you won't be caught in an Ocean Beach rip current after reading this (!), but if you do, swim south (away from the Cliff House), and parallel to the beach, to escape the current. That way you won't be fighting the offshore current heading south.

Read about Ocean Beach's rip currents.

There are no lifeguards at Ocean Beach.

How to Avoid the Rip Currents

The solution: unless you are an experienced surfer, DO NOT go in the water at Ocean Beach.

Most of the people who have drowned here were inexperienced swimmers who were only wading in the water and were knocked down unexpectedly by a large wave and pulled out to sea.

Surfers rarely drown, but Ocean Beach claimed another surfer's life on December 7, 2018.

Warnings were in effect to stay off Ocean Beach that day because of high waves and sneaker waves, but the weather was good and the big waves are tempting.

The paramedics saw three rip currents out there during the rescue. See the news article for details.

Most surfers are aware of the rip currents and know how to handle them, but they still can be very dangerous.

Seeing all those surfers out there on a beautiful sunny day makes it look safe to swim, but it's not.

Surfer at Ocean Beach San FranciscoSurfer at Ocean Beach

Don't even go wading; besides, the water's so cold your feet will be totally numb within 30 seconds!

Surf warning sign at Ocean Beach San Francisco

In spite of all the fatalities, over the years, the city has done very little about warning people.

Ocean Beach is where many people come from all parts of the city and bring their children; this is the most heavily used of all the beaches in San Francisco.

There was an article in the San Francisco Chronicle back in 1998 discussing this problem and explaining why Ocean Beach is so dangerous.

Until very recently, only a few of the beach access points had warning signs, and most were really wimpy.

Small signs warning of "dangerous surf" doesn't begin to convey the danger.

Most access points had no signs until August of 2016, when small signs were added to all but two of the main beach entrances.

Rip current warning sign at Ocean Beach San FranciscoWarning Sign at Lawton Street

The area with the best warning signs is one of the most popular access points: the large parking lot in front of the Beach Chalet Restaurant, at the northern end of the beach.

Rip Current warning sign near Beach Chalet Ocean Beach San FranciscoSigns at the Beach Entrance near the Beach Chalet.

There are about a dozen stairways leading down to the sand, and each one has a rip current warning sign.

However, if someone doesn't already know what rip currents are, and what to do about them (don't go in the water!), it may not help prevent the kind of tragedy we witnessed in April 2016. Two teenagers drowned. This was the exact spot where the drowning occurred; five young men waded into the surf here, and two were pulled out to sea.

My impression over the years is that most of the drowning victims are young people from an immigrant background who don't swim well. The Spanish version just says "dangerous currents", which doesn't really tell you to stay out of the water.

There are beach patrols that drive along the beach periodically and tell parents to get their children out of the water, but a drowning can occur in a matter of minutes.

On any warm day, you'll see scenes like this: kids playing in the water at Ocean Beach.

Children playing in water at Ocean Beach San FranciscoKids at Ocean Beach

The beach access at the end of Taraval Street has one of the newer signs, but you can see how small it is.

This is where the L-Taraval muni street car brings visitors from Market Street downtown. Warning sign is on the left; not very noticeable.

Taraval Street beach access, Ocean Beach San FranciscoTaraval Street Beach Access

The access points at Pacheco and Rivera Streets still have no warning signs; they are both major entry points to Ocean Beach.

Ocean Beach access at Rivera Street, San FranciscoRivera Street Entrance

Dogs at Ocean Beach

There has been a tug-of-war ongoing between dog-owners and environmentalists about dogs running free on Ocean Beach.

The Snowy Plover has been listed as a threatened species and it spends most of the year at Ocean Beach.

As a result, dogs can run free on the northern part of Ocean Beach (roughly adjacent to the Richmond District), but must be on leash most of the year on the southern portion of the beach (adjacent to the Sunset District).

Couple with dog at Ocean Beach San FranciscoDog in off-leash area

Specifically, dogs are allowed off-leash all year between the Cliff House at the northern end of the beach and Stairwell #21 (just south of the Beach Chalet restaurant, near the Dutch Windmill in Golden Gate Park).

South of the Beach Chalet, dogs are only allowed off-leash from May 16 to June 30, when the Snowy Plovers are not wintering at Ocean Beach. I believe the current fine is $50.

(Off-leash Heaven is at Fort Funston, the next San Francisco beach down the coast. Baker Beach is mostly off-leash as well; very popular with the doggos.)

Snowy Plovers are small sea birds, about the size of sparrows, that live and feed on Ocean Beach for most of the year.

They leave briefly during the summer months to nest in less-populated areas like Point Reyes National Seashore in Marin County to the north.

Snowy PloverSnowy Plover
(Image thanks to Mike Baird, under CC-BY-SA license.)

These little birds are on the Threatened Species list; they are the ones you will often see running in and out just at the water line, dodging the surf.

Unfortunately, dogs love to chase them and although the dogs can't catch them, this tires out the birds and makes it harder for them to build up their strength for the nesting season.

People wanting their dog to run on the beach should therefore use the section north of Golden Gate Park.

Insider Tips:

  • Most Important! Swimming is really out of the question at Ocean Beach because of the dangerous rip currents. Also, the water is so cold you would be numb in seconds! Before you go, please read these safety tips. The water temperature is 53 to 57 degrees F (12 to 14 C) year round, so if you're surfing, you'll need a wetsuit.
  • Weather: The fog is more likely to be present in the early morning and late afternoons, so midday is usually the best time to come. The winds usually pick up in the late afternoon as well. 
  • It is generally cooler and windier at the beach, so dressing in layers is a wise move.
  • On a hot, sunny day (very rare!), the northern end of the beach near the Cliff House is more crowded. Head for the southern end, near the San Francisco Zoo.
  • Parking: There are some parking lots (free) at the northern and southern ends of Ocean Beach, but the street that runs parallel to the Great Highway along the beach has lots of spaces also, as do the streets running perpendicular to the beach. Parking is pretty stress-free at Ocean Beach, another reason to come!
  • The neighborhoods next to Ocean Beach have lots of places to eat: cosy cafes, Chinese and Mexican eateries, and upscale restaurants. When it's time to warm up and come inside, you won't have to go far to find something tasty.(see below for list and map)
  • Be sure to go to the northern end of the beach and visit the area around the Cliff House, an historic restaurant on the rocks overlooking the entrance to San Francisco Bay. Even though the restaurant is closed, it's a great spot to visit. Reopening in late 2023 is the latest word. Gorgeous views; it's definitely worth seeing. More on the Cliff House.
  • If you have time, explore the ruins of the Sutro Baths near the Cliff House, once an amazing bathhouse. More on the Sutro Baths.
  • There are only three public restrooms at Ocean Beach, spaced at large intervals, on the other side of the Great Highway, from Sloat Blvd. to Judah Street. Find them at Sloat, Taraval and Irving Streets.
Sutro Baths ruins near Ocean Beach San FranciscoRuins of the Sutro Baths

Ocean Beach Eating Suggestions...
(all are marked on the map below)

Restaurants Right on Ocean Beach

At the northern end of Ocean Beach:

The most scenic choice would be the Cliff House restaurant at the northern end of Ocean Beach. It's closed now, but it's expected to reopen with a new identity in 2024. You can look out at the Pacific Ocean and the seal colony at Seal Rock.

This is a long-time local favorite; a classy restaurant has been sitting on that cliff since 1800, and San Franciscans have been enjoying the food and views there for a hundred years.

Check out the beautiful setting, or eat there when it reopens. More on the Cliff House.

Cliff House view near Ocean BeachView from the Cliff House

Just up the road is a homey (and less expensive) diner with great views and comfort food, Louis' Restaurant, just above the Cliff House on Point Lobos Avenue. It's also closed at the moment, but will likely reopen in 2024 now that a new tenant has been found.

Another popular spot is the Beach Chalet, a more casual restaurant overlooking Ocean Beach on the Great Highway at John F. Kennedy Drive, where Golden Gate park meets the water.

For an ocean view, eat in the upstairs section, or eat downstairs with patio seating looking out on the windmill on the western edge of Golden Gate Park (great selection of beers and homemade potato chips).

The Beach Chalet is worth a stop to see the excellent murals in the lobby, created as part of the Depression Era public works project. They even have a brewery there.

There is a comfortable little cafe, the Java Beach Cafe, at the Great Highway and Judah Street: good salads and sandwiches, breakfast menus also. 1396 La Playa St.

Surfers headed to Ocean Beach San FranciscoSurfers headed for the water. Java Beach Cafe up ahead.

At the southern end of Ocean Beach:

There is another good cafe on Sloat Boulevard, a couple of blocks from the beach, across the street from the San Francisco Zoo: Java Beach at the Zoo, the sister cafe of the one up the road. 2650 Sloat Blvd.

Restaurants near Ocean Beach

Here are some of the most popular ones, plus some lesser known gems.

Brunch ideas.

Judah Street, which runs out to Ocean Beach, could be called Brunch Row.

Not only is the Java Beach Cafe here, but there are two more good brunch places just blocks from the beach along Judah.

You can get here easily from downtown on the N-Judah streetcar. Catch it under Market Street; it runs all the way out to the beach.

Streetcan on Judah Street San FranciscoThe N-Judah trolley near the beach.

Outerlands. There's a very popular, very trendy, restaurant near the beach that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, and brunch on weekends. They serve gourmet, locally-sourced, sustainably-farmed food.

Many people rave about it, some find it a bit pretentious; decide for yourself;-) But be aware the waits can be very long, especially for weekend brunch. 4001 Judah St. (at 45th Ave). outerlandssf.squarespace.com

Sea Breeze Cafe. Just in the next block up from Outerlands is another great little restaurant ("undiscovered", so far) with tasty food and friendly service. Who wants to wait an hour in line for Sunday brunch?

They have a nice sidewalk seating area for sunny days as well as an indoor area. Super choice for brunch; you can sit outside and watch the long line at Outerlands while you enjoy your omelette and home fries, Chorizo Eggs Benedict, or burgers. 3940 Judah St (at 45th Ave).

Both places above are just a short walk from the beach up Judah Street. You can also ride up on the streetcar, the N-Judah.

Seafood near Ocean Beach

A beach area should have a great seafood restaurant, right? Now it does:

Hook Fish Co. Fresh, locally-sourced seafood is waiting at a small restaurant on Irving Street, two blocks from the beach.

Highly-rated, but can have long waits on weekend afternoons. Try their fish tacos, crab burgers, fish & chips, and yummy avocado tacos. 4542 Irving Street (at 47th Ave). hookfishco.com.

Food on Taraval Street

Taraval Street is another one of the city streets that runs out to the beach. It connects with the beach more towards the southern end of Ocean Beach.

You can take the L-Taraval street car from the beach up to these local favorites, a short ride. Catch the trolley at 46th and Taraval, or near the Zoo at 46th and Wawona.

You can also take the L-Taraval from downtown SF under Market Street all the way out to the beach.

Dumpling Kitchen. Very popular Chinese restaurant, full menu, but specializing in dim sum, as you would guess from the name. Very good and reasonably-priced. 1935 Taraval St. (at 30th Ave.). dumpling-kitchen.com.

El Burrito Express. Want some great Mexican food to fill you up? There's a little, hole-in-the-wall place up Taraval that serves some of the best burritos I've found in the city: fresh ingredients, huge and cheap.

It doesn't look like much, but there is a usually a line waiting to order. You can eat there on stools, but it's really better as take-away. 1601 Taraval (at 26th Ave). This is my go-to burrito place.

After a day at the beach...

Happy hour! Celia's by the Beach is a family-run, Mexican restaurant that's been a local fixture for over 50 years. Dinner only, closed Monday. Known for their Taco Tuesdays ($1 tacos and $4 Margaritas), Kids Eat Free Wednesdays, and generous drinks.

Lively and noisy, very friendly atmosphere. Mostly locals. 4019 Judah St. (at 45th Ave.). celiasbythebeach.com

Something different. Not far from the beach is a fun Egyptian restaurant, Al Masri, at 4031 Balboa Street (between 41st and 42nd Streets), open for dinners only, Thursday through Sunday.

The inside is designed to look like an open-air Egyptian marketplace; the food is excellent and they have belly dancing (tasteful!) on certain nights. almasrisfca.com

Map of Ocean Beach Restaurants
(and two places to stay)

San Francisco Attractions
Near Ocean Beach

Golden Gate Park runs right up to Ocean Beach, dividing the western part of San Francisco into the Richmond District above the park and the Sunset District below the park.

Explore the museums, ride bikes or wander through the gardens.

The San Francisco Zoo borders on the ocean as well, at the southern tip of Ocean Beach. You can hear the peacocks calling, and the whistle of the little steam engine, while you're sitting in the sand.

Just north of Ocean Beach is the start of the trailhead for one of the most beautiful nature walks in San Francisco at Lands End, with great views of the Golden Gate.

Another beach, Mile Rock Beach, is a rugged, rocky beach just off the trail running through Lands End.

Very pretty, with great views of the Marin Headlands, and a spectacular view of the Golden Gate Bridge from the lookout point just above it. About a 40 minute walk from Ocean Beach.

Staying Near the Beach

Ocean Park Motel courtyardOcean Park Motel courtyard

Most visitors to San Francisco stay in one of the downtown hotels or at Fisherman's Wharf, but if you are interested in an alternative to staying in the urban setting, there is a charming, art deco style motel, the Ocean Park Motel, just a block from Ocean Beach and one block from the zoo.

Some rooms have kitchens, and there's a hot tub for guests. For more info, see my page on the Ocean Park Motel.

It's a really quiet neighborhood: not exciting, but peaceful and safe (I know, I used to live nearby).

Another highly-rated option is Gigi's Bed and Breakfast, near the northern end of the beach, not far from the Cliff House. It's a pretty garden apartment in a quiet area about 8 blocks from the beach. Gigi makes a yummy breakfast for her guests.

$200 per night, including breakfast (good deal for San Francisco). 543 43rd Ave. See gigisbedandbreakfast.com.

How to Get to Ocean Beach

By Car

By car, it's effortless and parking is easy out here.

The streets in the western part of San Francisco are laid out like a grid; all of the east-west named streets (as opposed to numbered) run out to Ocean Beach, which forms the western edge of San Francisco.

The Great Highway runs all along Ocean Beach, north and south.

Parking at the Beach

There are several free parking lots at the beach: one at Sloat Boulevard at the southern end of the beach, one across from the Beach Chalet at the end of Golden Gate Park, and another one near the Cliff House at the northern end.

These can fill up on sunny summer days and weekends, but otherwise you can find a spot.

The easiest parking I think is along the next street in from the Great Highway, running parallel to it (also called the Great Highway- who knows why!).

There is always lots of parking there, as well as on the streets that run into the beach, and you can park anywhere along the three mile stretch.

Mounted police at Ocean Beach San FranciscoSFPD on horseback. Ocean Beach parking lot near Golden Gate Park.

By Public Transportation

Ocean Beach is easy to get to by public transportation as well. The street car Muni lines, N-Judah and L-Taraval run from Embarcadero downtown all the way out to Ocean Beach.

The 38-Geary bus runs from Market Street downtown (stops at 3rd and 1st streets on Market) all the way out to the beach near the Cliff House. You can also catch the 38-Geary at Union Square.

If you're headed to the Cliff House (north end), either the N-Judah or the 38-Geary will get you there (the N-Judah is more pleasant to ride than the bus, IMO).

The L-Taraval will take you to the southern end of Ocean Beach, near the SF Zoo.

Information on the Numbered Stairwells at Ocean Beach

The rules about dogs off-leash and where bonfires are allowed, as well as routes for various runs and races, etc, often reference the stairwells leading down to the beach by number, but often the numbers are nowhere to be seen on the stairs themselves (they tend to come and go) and I couldn't find this online, either.

But a helpful park ranger gave me the following info:

There are 28 numbered stairwells between the Cliff House and Lincoln Boulevard, with #1 the most northern.

  • Stairwell #1: north of Balboa Street.
  • Stairwell #4: at Balboa Street.
  • Stairwell #9: at Cabrillo Street.
  • Stairwell #13: at Fulton Street.
  • Stairwell #15: at JFK Boulevard.
  • Stairwell #17: across form the Beach Chalet.
  • Stairwell #21: halfway between the Beach Chalet and Lincoln Way.

The stairwells across from the Beach Chalet have numbers at the moment.

The Sunset District Neighborhood

The Sunset District residential area near Ocean Beach isn't one of the more charming San Francisco neighborhoods, but it is quiet and safe.

Sunset District houses near Ocean Beach San FranciscoTypical street scene near the beach.

Overview of the San Francisco Beaches

san francisco beaches blue map
(Map data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA)

History of Ocean Beach

City residents have been coming out to Ocean Beach San Francisco for over 100 years, from the time the western area was just a wilderness of sand dunes.

A street car line brought visitors out here to eat at the Cliff House, swim at the Sutro Baths and go on the rides at the Playland amusement park (which closed in 1972, alas).

The Cliff House was first built in 1863, burned down twice, and has gone through many different styles, from Victorian gingerbread and tacky 1970's, to the attractive classical/modern combination built in 2004 that stands there today.

Playland at Ocean Beach San Francisco 1918

Between 1850 and 1926, 20 ships were wrecked along Ocean Beach.

At very low tides, you can occasionally see the hull of the unfortunate ship, King Philip, which ran aground in 1878, off the beach at the foot of Ortega Street.

The Other San Francisco Beaches:

More to Explore... 

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